Avis de Inesb - Master 2 professionnel Gestion de l'Entreprise à l'International (GEAI) - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

  • Quel est, selon vous, le principal atout de ce programme ?

    Diversity : in students from all over the world and all ages, in classes which allow to discover new subjects, in professors with a mix of professionals and academics !! Really great Master for someone who is looking for a dynamic master with a great reputation

  • Quelle est, selon vous, la principale faiblesse de ce programme ?

    None ! Overall really good experience and would highly recommend

  • Commentaires généraux

    Really great master which really help ease you through the transition to professional life ! Great directors, really implicated and dynamic ! Good professors, available and interesting ! Overall a great experience I would recommend to anyone

Évaluation générale - Master 2 professionnel Gestion de l'Entreprise à l'International (GEAI) à Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Moyenne générale


Pédagogie du programme




Vie étudiante


Réseau et insertion professionnelle


Retour sur investissement

  • 9.210

    Contenu académique du programme

    Very diverse program with many different subjects which makes it interesting and allow you to discover new subjects

  • 8.810

    Moyens pédagogiques (bibliothèque, WIFI, locaux)

  • 9.310

    Qualité des professeurs permanents

    Very interesting and competent professors also really available for students

  • 9.510

    Qualité des intervenants professionnels extérieurs

    They come from many different horizons and bring a lot of expertise into the program ! Very interesting

  • 910

    Contrôle des connaissances, volume et répartition des cours, travail personnel

  • 1010

    Reconnaissance internationale du programme

    Divers class with students coming from all over the world ! Possible to go on an exchange program

  • 1010

    Accompagnement/aide si départ à l'étranger

    Exams were adapted so that people could go on their exchange program

  • 1010

    Services aux étudiants (orientation, projet pro., scolarité, etc.)

  • 1010

    Ambiance, cohésion dans la promo (projets, entraide, loisirs, associations)

    Association is very very active and there is a great dynamic within the class thanks to the trips and afterworks !!

  • 910

    Ville étudiante, logement (coût, accès, situation)

  • 1010

    Réseau des anciens, contacts professionnels

    A lot of alumnis that we can easily reach !

  • 1010

    Qualité du directeur de programme et notoriété de la formation

    She is really invested and dynamic ! Amazing to have her as our director !

  • 1010

    Stages et aide à l'insertion professionnelle

    Everyone found really great interships thanks trough the master's network or thanks to its reputation !!

  • 1010

    Satisfaction sur le salaire premier-emploi

  • 1010

    Êtes-vous globalement satisfait de votre formation ?

    Very satisfied would highly recommend !!

  • 1010

    Referiez-vous le même choix de formation aujourd’hui ?

    Yes totally !!!
