Avis de Wigoba_231996 - Master of Science Vineyard and Winery Management - Bordeaux Sciences Agro

  • Quel est, selon vous, le principal atout de ce programme ?

    The exposure to European winemaking and viticultural thought and practices.

  • Quelle est, selon vous, la principale faiblesse de ce programme ?

    Excessive focus on high-level accounting, a skill which we will never use as the whole affair will always be given to a career accountant or software. Instead, I would propose to cover the advanced material and ABC method generally, while spending more time on traditional accounting methods more applicable to our training as estate managers.

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Évaluation générale - Master of Science Vineyard and Winery Management à Bordeaux Sciences Agro


Moyenne générale


Pédagogie du programme


Vie étudiante


Réseau et insertion professionnelle


Retour sur investissement

  • 710

    Contenu académique du programme

    At times it feels like like content in the program is either more advanced than appropriate, or too basic. For a masters program, I would prefer to swing on the "too advanced" side of the pendulum. There should be minimal time spent on winemaking or viticultural basics, and people with no industry background whatsoever should be guided towards the bachelor program, where teaching industry basics are more appropriate.

  • 910

    Moyens pédagogiques (bibliothèque, WIFI, locaux)

    There are ample sources of information provided.

  • 6.910

    Qualité des professeurs permanents

  • 6.910

    Qualité des intervenants professionnels extérieurs

    The external lecturers are a mixed bag, and sometimes fantastic. I think focus should be given to the feedback sessions where more detailed information can be given.

  • 310

    Contrôle des connaissances, volume et répartition des cours, travail personnel

    The overall quantity of work is great, but the distribution of that work needs improvement. There should be minimal time without homework, and as well, there should never be a time where so many project overlap that learning and interest decrease in favor of cramming to get things done.

  • 710

    Services aux étudiants (orientation, projet pro., scolarité, etc.)

  • 710

    Ambiance, cohésion dans la promo (projets, entraide, loisirs, associations)

  • 710

    Ville étudiante, logement (coût, accès, situation)

  • 710

    Réseau des anciens, contacts professionnels

    Potentially too early to judge.

  • 710

    Qualité du directeur de programme et notoriété de la formation

  • 710

    Stages et aide à l'insertion professionnelle

    There are ample resources available.

  • 710

    Êtes-vous globalement satisfait de votre formation ?

  • 710

    Referiez-vous le même choix de formation aujourd’hui ?
