Avis de Xoyesi_150375 - MSc Management of Technology - Information Systems (MOTIS) - ESIEE Paris

  • Quel est, selon vous, le principal atout de ce programme ?

    the diversity is one of the main assets in my opinion, where we get the chance to work in many teams with diverse types of people with different cultural backgrounds, different personalities and educational backgrounds. that gives us a big advantage to practice and learn how to effectively work in a team

  • Quelle est, selon vous, la principale faiblesse de ce programme ?

    the main weakness could be that there are few or no french students some years, however, we interact with french students in school and outside, but having them as classmates could be better in future. however, since the program is in English, it is understandable why it is this way.

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Évaluation générale - MSc Management of Technology - Information Systems (MOTIS) à ESIEE Paris


Moyenne générale


Pédagogie du programme




Vie étudiante


Réseau et insertion professionnelle


Retour sur investissement

  • 910

    Contenu académique du programme

  • 910

    Moyens pédagogiques (bibliothèque, WIFI, locaux)

  • 710

    Qualité des professeurs permanents

  • 910

    Qualité des intervenants professionnels extérieurs

  • 910

    Contrôle des connaissances, volume et répartition des cours, travail personnel

    The division of lectures and courses allows us to have the time to enjoy living in and exploring this new city while having a high number of assignments and projects, it feels like it is easy going and laid back even though we have something to do at all times.

  • 910

    Reconnaissance internationale du programme

  • 910

    Accompagnement/aide si départ à l'étranger

  • 910

    Services aux étudiants (orientation, projet pro., scolarité, etc.)

  • 910

    Ambiance, cohésion dans la promo (projets, entraide, loisirs, associations)

  • 910

    Ville étudiante, logement (coût, accès, situation)

  • 910

    Réseau des anciens, contacts professionnels

    There are many opportunities to expand one's contacts and network such as the Alumni network which is highly active and accessible to all new students, in addition to the forums organized by the school where we have the chance to meet representative of many companies and start-ups

  • 910

    Qualité du directeur de programme et notoriété de la formation

    I highly admire the management approach the head of the program carries out, he relies on motivating students to carry out projects that help build up the reputation of the program, such as the mentor-ship program which connects every student with a working professional with similar career aspirations, the visits to external companies, the cultural and entertainment events which are all organized by students.

  • 910

    Stages et aide à l'insertion professionnelle

    a CV book with all students' CVs is prepared and sent to companies by the program, many students already got offers without even applying anywhere, in addition to the help and assistance provided for any situation we face.

  • 910

    Satisfaction sur le salaire premier-emploi

  • 910

    Êtes-vous globalement satisfait de votre formation ?

  • 910

    Referiez-vous le même choix de formation aujourd’hui ?
