Avis de Cufumo_198975 - Master 2 professionnel Gestion de l'Entreprise à l'International (GEAI) - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

  • Quel est, selon vous, le principal atout de ce programme ?

    Diversity of subjects, teachers and students

  • Quelle est, selon vous, la principale faiblesse de ce programme ?

    Too many classes concentrated at the end of the year.

  • Commentaires généraux

    You can be a student in one of the most famous universities in the planet. You can be in a classroom with more than 10 different nationalities, having classes both in English and French. And what I like the most about this masters is that students are given real responsibilities: to organise conferences, trips, manage social media... It has been an extraordinary experience.

Évaluation générale - Master 2 professionnel Gestion de l'Entreprise à l'International (GEAI) à Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Moyenne générale


Pédagogie du programme




Vie étudiante


Réseau et insertion professionnelle


Retour sur investissement

  • 1010

    Contenu académique du programme

    I love the fact that our teachers come from very different backgrounds. Some of them are University professors, other professors at business schools and other are professionals. We have all sorts of subjects going from finance to geopolitics. In a world that is changing so fast, it is quite nice to have such a wide range of subjects covered in a same master's degree.

  • 1010

    Moyens pédagogiques (bibliothèque, WIFI, locaux)

    You will have the opportunity to study in one of the most iconic buildings in Paris.

  • 1010

    Qualité des professeurs permanents

  • 1010

    Qualité des intervenants professionnels extérieurs

    We had everything from PhDs talking about their expertise from a theoretical point of view to CEOs of huge multinationals. Having that kind of experience in a group of 20 to 30 people is quite amazing.

  • 1010

    Contrôle des connaissances, volume et répartition des cours, travail personnel

    It is true that we have a lot of classes and it becomes quite intense at the end of the year. But we work a lot in small groups and it helps to create bonds between students.

  • 1010

    Reconnaissance internationale du programme

    You will never have problems explaining where you've done your Masters. From Bolivia to Cambodia, everyone knows what is Sorbonne University and the quality of our students.

  • 1010

    Accompagnement/aide si départ à l'étranger

    I spent one year in Madrid and it was quite cool. In fact, since we are a international management, more than half of my colleagues moved abroad either for a internship, a gap year or a exchange program.

  • 910

    Services aux étudiants (orientation, projet pro., scolarité, etc.)

  • 1010

    Ambiance, cohésion dans la promo (projets, entraide, loisirs, associations)

    Students organise everything in the masters: annual trip to Brussels, all the conferences, happy hours and afterworks, even the website is run by us. It is not onlya super cool opportunity to make friendships but it is also great practice.

  • 1010

    Ville étudiante, logement (coût, accès, situation)

    The Masters costs 250 euros a year. I mean, you will never find something that good with that price in your life.

  • 1010

    Réseau des anciens, contacts professionnels

    I had a lot of help from alumni during my gap year. We have a wide range of professionals in our contact base who are very helpful

  • 510

    Qualité du directeur de programme et notoriété de la formation

  • 510

    Stages et aide à l'insertion professionnelle

  • 510

    Satisfaction sur le salaire premier-emploi

  • 1010

    Êtes-vous globalement satisfait de votre formation ?

    I had classes in one the most beautiful buildings in Paris with amazing teachers. I managed to get internships at L’Oréal, HP and Nespresso. And it cost me 250 euros a year!

  • 1010

    Referiez-vous le même choix de formation aujourd’hui ?

    We had around 500 candidates three years ago. It went up to 1400 last year. This is because more and more people are realising what a great opportunity this Master is. I recommend it 100%
