Avis de Irolea_253046 - Master of Science Management Hôtelier et Tourisme - AIM - Académie Internationale de Management

  • Quel est, selon vous, le principal atout de ce programme ?

    The main asset of the program are the people. The wonderful teachers and administrations of the school. Schools feel like a family and teachers are very passionate about their subjects. The teachers have tremendous knowledge on the field and we had so much to learn from their own experiences, which they gladly shared.

  • Quelle est, selon vous, la principale faiblesse de ce programme ?

    Nothing negative to report.

  • Commentaires généraux

    You could improve this questionnaire, because on two occasions timed out on me and never received a confirmation.Students should be given the option to give comments with no worry to time out.

Évaluation générale - Master of Science Management Hôtelier et Tourisme à AIM - Académie Internationale de Management


Moyenne générale


Pédagogie du programme




Vie étudiante


Réseau et insertion professionnelle


Retour sur investissement

  • 910

    Contenu académique du programme

    The curriculum is comprehensive and excellent designed covering a wide range of subjects relevant to the hospitality industry. Various courses like revenue management, supervision, luxury management, financial accounting, training and development training ensure a deep understanding of the field.

  • 910

    Moyens pédagogiques (bibliothèque, WIFI, locaux)

    I am highly satisfied with the teaching resources available. They play a major role in enhancing the learning experience and promoting academic excellence.

  • 910

    Qualité des professeurs permanents

    The faculty members are experienced professionals who bring real- world expertise in to the classroom. They are not only knowledgeable, but also passionate about sharing their industry insights to students. They are also well informed about major technological advances in the hospitality industry.

  • 910

    Qualité des intervenants professionnels extérieurs

    Insights and practical knowledge that went beyond the textbooks and classroom lectures. His achievements and experiences were a source of inspiration for the students. I personally got majorly interested in wealth management and corporate finance and he provided ample information for me to explore this subject in the future.

  • 910

    Contrôle des connaissances, volume et répartition des cours, travail personnel

    The well-planned schedule allowed for effective learning, personal growth, and a healthy balance between academic pursuit and other aspects of life.

  • 910

    Reconnaissance internationale du programme

    I was able to obtain an internship at Statler Hotel, Cornell University, competing with student from all around the world. This development would not have been possible without coming form AIM.I made everything possible to proudly represent my school.

  • 910

    Accompagnement/aide si départ à l'étranger

    School was very helpful during my stay in USA and always assisted me when necessary. Mr. Dogramaci personally was in touch and making sure, I had a great start in USA.

  • 910

    Services aux étudiants (orientation, projet pro., scolarité, etc.)

    The school administration provided a fantastic assistance with all the needs I had. Special thanks to Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Salen who promptly delivered any information I needed guiding me before and after my arrival in Paris.

  • 910

    Ambiance, cohésion dans la promo (projets, entraide, loisirs, associations)

    I found at AIM a supportive community, great learning environment, mentorship and guidance, meaningful and relevant projects, interdisciplinary approach, social integration.The school feels like a family, always there for us and putting major effort in very individual's growth and success.

  • 910

    Ville étudiante, logement (coût, accès, situation)

    I had the chance to live in beautiful 8 eme during my study . Access to school was by train A and B, ran with. no major problems. Locations was fantastic , minutes from Champs Elysee.

  • 910

    Réseau des anciens, contacts professionnels

    This school has a strong network, bringing many professional opportunities, mentorship and access to valuable resources.

  • 910

    Qualité du directeur de programme et notoriété de la formation

  • 910

    Stages et aide à l'insertion professionnelle

    School provides great opportunities to have a fantastic internship on the field.

  • 910

    Satisfaction sur le salaire premier-emploi

    My internship at Statler Hotel, Cornell University opened many doors for me being an European-American citizen, I expect a decent salary at the end of my training having opportunities to work in USA, Asia and Europe.

  • 910

    Êtes-vous globalement satisfait de votre formation ?

    Excellent training. I learnt a lot and the knowledge helped me be very successful in my first internship hospitality related.

  • 910

    Referiez-vous le même choix de formation aujourd’hui ?

    Absolutely. Hospitality is an amazing field and there are many opportunities all around the world.
